Keypitt control conversations with Pitchbound

Keypitt is a Danish start-up that offers a phone-free digital wardrobe solution that reduce costs and enhance guest satisfaction. Keypitt use Pitchbound to control sales conversations and ensure consistency in communication across platforms.





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Karla Pitt

We use Pitchbound for sales outreach across all platforms as it is straightforward to use, helps me in organising my pitches and gives me the control in sales calls that I need. I can save new insights and keep track of everything, ensuring that I have consistency in my sales messages – I can highly recommend it to everyone!

Decrease in preparation time

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Keypitt controls the entire sales process with Pitchbound

Keypitt sees Pitchbound as a necessary add-on to their CRM system as they use Pitchbound to have more control in conversations with prospects, track which of their phrases and pitches are best and ensure consistency in messaging across their channels such as phone, email and LinkedIn.

Intuitive Pitchboards show relevant pitch information in calls and enable Keypitt to control conversations and provide the right arguments. Managers can define best-practice templates across phone, email and LinkedIn for their team to use, ensuring consistency in quality across channels.

Keypitt stores organised pitch data with Pitchbound

Keypitt use Pitchbound to store all their pitch data, like winning phrases, value propositions and pain points, in an organised way that is easy to access for the entire team:

“We use Pitchbound for sales outreach across all platforms as it is straightforward to use, helps me in organising my pitches and gives me the control in sales calls that I need. I can save new insights and keep track of everything, ensuring that I have consistency in my sales messages – I can highly recommend it to everyone!” Karla Pitt, Co-Founder and CEO of Keypitt

Keypitt saves time and organises their team with Pitchbound

Keypitt saves time when creating pitches for phone, email and LinkedIn and when preparing for calls with Pitchbound. By saving insights and organising their pitches across their channels, Keypitt has a strong foundation for scaling their outbound sales process based on best practices.

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Designed for sales teams, call centers and professional service companies.  Start your 14-day free trial today.

Pitchboard overview in Pitchbound.